Mgemane Security is a highly visible force working together with
other private security companies and the SAPS to combat crime,
deter loiterers around business premises, discourage
unauthorized street trading, as well as bringing an end to
illegal parking and dumping. We use motor vehicles recognizably
marked with the Mgemane Security Logo. This fleet of vehicles
can be seen patrolling the area constantly
Prior to us taking on any new contract we prefer to do a Risk
Assessment and discuss possible risk concerns with the client.
Thereafter a proper Standing Operating procedure is drawn up in
conjunction with the client to ensure that both parties are
familiar with what the requirements and expectations of the
security officer would be. This will enable us to ensure that
proper training is provided before the services starts and that
the right person is placed at the client's premises to perform
the tasks at hand. Our operational office is situated in Soweto , we have access to be in contact with
all officers and also with the SAPS, Law Enforcement and Fire
Department. |